Wednesday 6 July 2011


Had a lovely chat with my genetic counsillor on the phone yesterday about how I felt and was in tears so he decided to suggest me going in to see him which I said yes as I'd love to meet him.
 The priest at the church in Killarney contacted me to say he couldn't find my grandmothers baptismal only Cherry. Her name was Sherry and he suggested a spelling mistake and I though of course Sherry would sound like Cherry with an Irish accent. It's important I trace her family as it's the only side I can't get back on so we assume the gene comes from her. My grandmother came to England with one of her sisters so they would be at risk to if my mum did have the gene.
 Both Gray and my counsillor is wondeing if there has been a mistake and my cousillor thinks I should be tested further in case I've got a BRCA 1 gene aswell from my dad's side as they have a strong family history of BRCA diseases. We shall see.
   Also my oncologist had asked me to phone him to get the report on my mums test and to inform him about the latest on Parp inhibitors as I had told him my counsillor had told me about them

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