Today Gray managed to get water into our land phone and it gave up the ghost. So we had to go into Solihull to buy a new one.
As Gray snores I always used to listen to my heavy metal on my i-pod to drown the noise but it is now lost so he bought me a new one today from the Apple store. However when I plugged it into the laptop to download i-tunes it wouldn't accept my password . itried the only 2 passwords I've ever used on any site over many years but it wouldn't accept them so I cliked on forgotted password but had no e-mail off them. So I tried regestering on it again but it said I was already registered.
Also I skyped my friend in Portsmouth and she is doing well. Saw and spoke to her son for the first time too. He's at uni in Plymouth which is where my friend comes from and I lived for 6 years.
Decision made! Bring on 2020.
5 years ago
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