Easter weekend is over and it's back to work. Haven't eaten much of the chocolate egg I was given at work from the bosses even though it's Green and Blacks plain chocolate which is one of my favourites. Gray and I decided not to get each other Easter eggs this year as we both want to lose weight and I seem to have gone off chocolate since I went on tamoxifen. Can't understand that as I have loved plain chocolate all my life.
We went to Leicester to watch the Tigers beat Bath and Sunday we had lunch with my brother Greg at the Wheatsheaf carvery. Gray spent most of the rest of the weekend decorating while I did a mountain of ironing. I'm afraid I'm allergic to wallpaper paste so I can't help him with thev papering or I sneeze my head off!. We put lining paper on the walls and then paint over it as the house was built in 1938 and the walls are less than perfect! When the paper is up I will be able to help him paint the awlls when we've chosen the paint. We have ahad lovely oak wood flooring put down in that room and the hall. We are very pleased with it.
The weekend was a bit marred by me worrying about my possible future pbm. Teri,one of my wonderful supportive BRCA sisters sugested listing my fears so they can all help me with them as they have already gone through the surgery. I am very lucky to have them in my life. Isn't the internet a wonderful invention I'd never have met them without it.
Decision made! Bring on 2020.
5 years ago
And we are very lucky to have YOU too! I really do think making a list will help you to confront your fear. Let's just break it down, and one by one we'll look at them. You know you are not alone in this and have many people who have been there before you, just happy to share their experiences with you. Love you, sistah!
Thank you Teri. What would I do without you. I'm working on my first fear as you know now. Love you too xoxo