Sunday, 29 August 2010

Got though my apppointment wiyh the shrink at the QE. I phoned one of my wonderfuI BRCA sisters the day beforevto ask what to expect and she was definately right.. I was asked why I was doing it !! Because I want to live!!

Had a wonderful weekend with my brother and sister in law hubby and niece and friends

Also have found out from a fellow blogger that I have suffragettes in the family which Im very proud of.But I still haven't been able to get in touch with my Dad's family which is very frustrating.

It's August bank holiday tomorrow and we are having Autumn weather already but I am having bad hay fever symptoms due to grass pollen.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Bring on the implants!

Today I had my first appointment with the plastic surgeon. What a lovely man and he's giving me the cohesive silicone implants I want in a one step prosess as I want to go smaller. He was very happy about that.He also sent me for before photos which was weird as I'd never done any modelling before. Then introduced me to a lady he had treated earlier who talked to us for a while and invited us to join Butterflies which is a support group based at the hospital. Which I have often thought it would be nice to join which is run by my plastic surgeon bless him. I am a very happy bunny!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Oncology appointment over. He gave me a thorough examination and asked me lots of questions and said I'm doing very well. He also sent me for a blood test he said as a base.

Getting the house ready for my sister in law and family coming on Friday. And tomorrow is the big day with the plastic surgeon for the first time. I intend to stick to my guns about the silicone implants.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Well I have one day at work then one day at the hospital for an oncology appointment and then one day at the hospital again for an appointment with the plastic surgeon about my pbm. I am very stressed out and finding it difficult to sleep which is making work very difficult.