Hi ALL sORRY ABOUT THE DELAY BUT BEEN IN HOSPITALfor a couple of day after an epilectic type fit which left my left leg pretty ueless but i fine now and I'm home and well Occupational health came out and gave me some wonderful things to help mr bless them. Also I hd another badly pulled mule in my back which has been extremely painful especially in the morning when IT GETSSTIFF AND i'VE beenpractically been living on Ibuprofen. Stres sbrings the fits on so I've decided not to go ack to work as my job is stressful. I'm not going to tell them though as I can make some money out of them if tHey get rid of ME.
Sorry you're not doing well and ended up in the hospital
ReplyDeleteI did too last week :( hate hospitals!!
Feel better ....prayers
I may not be around much for the next week ..Chemo in the morning.
Maybe I'll do better this time!!!!!
But I'll be back and catch up
Debbi (atoosassygal.blogspot.com )
Thanks Debbithanks for praying for meIhate hopital too. Hope ypu're feeling better now xxxxx